Facts about Chain Pulling in train And information

  Facts about Chain Pulling in train   ( à¤®à¤°ाठी  )

            An emergency situation may arise during the train journey. And at that time you feel like you have to stop the train or avoid the crisis. To stop the train for emergency reasons on the train journey, grab the chain! There is no such suggestion but you do not want to know the information. The carriage holder and local pilots are in the very last carriage and the passengers are not able to go to help them in emergency situations. Keeping this in mind, the emergency (or alarm) chain is equipped with each train box which can stop a running car or reduce the speed of the train .When everyone knows about an emergency chain, you probably do not know about the various facts about the chain removal. In this blog we will try to overcome all doubts about the chain pull.

How does the train stop when a person pulls a chain?

Alarm chains are connected to the main break pipe of the train. This break pipe ensures constant air pressure, which helps in moving the car smoothly. When the emergency chain is removed, the stored air in the break pipe will go away in a short time. Due to the low pressure of air pressure, the speed of the car decreases. The local pilot quickly notices the stopped air and stops the car or starts driving in the vehicle. If the car is running on narrow rail, then suddenly the brakes can be broken.

Note: A train speed of 110 km / h can stop completely within 3-4 minutes of pulling the chain.

How many Emergency chains are given in the coach?

        Previously, the chain or coach was used on the walls (for ready use for passengers). However, Indian Railways has reduced their number of times (due to their misuse) in recent times. Today, there is a single chain, which is located mostly in the middle of every coach.

Can the loco pilot underline the emergency braking system?

     Yes, local pilots can only override emergency breaks in certain circumstances. There is some history behind the overriding logic. In the olden days, when the robberies were in big danger, local pilots were instructed to override an emergency break when going through criminal nature. But nowadays some rules have changed. Today's loco pilot underlines the emergency braking system, and the person is responsible for such actions to the higher authorities.

How is the information about how the RPF has drawn a series?

     As soon as the alarm chain is removed, the RPF personnel never arrive in the coach. It's a surprise - how? Well, the train coach is full of emergency flushers on the wall of the coach's wall. Flashers are activated from a stretched coaches (in which the series has been removed) by an emergency chain. Guard, assistant driver and RPF personnel do not reach the location of the chain removal and the brightness and bulge in the localoite pilot's control continues until it is able to reset its chain. Once the chain is reset, the air pressure comes back slowly and the train is ready to leave.

Note: When the Emergency Flushers can cast a coach while dragging the series, no one can tell who has removed the series. RNF employees can know the information about the identity of the questionnaire..

What is the punishment for chain removal?

Section 141 of the Indian Railway Act does not receive punitive action. According to the Railway Act 141, if a passenger interferes with the passenger's communication of passenger and railway passengers, then the person will be held guilty if there is not enough reason. On conviction, a person will be punished with one year imprisonment or with an increase of up to 1000 rupees fine.

Note: The value of a minimum punishable conviction should not be less than 500 rupees (for first offense) or imprisonment for a period of three months (second or subsequent).

What is the acceptable condition for pulling a chain on the train?

Emergency chain system has been started to help passengers during emergency. Some acceptable conditions for pulling a chain on the train include the following: A trip jumped off a passenger train, a fire broke out on the family member, and sat on a station with a person with an old or different satire, where the stoppage time is inadequate, medical emergency (when the passenger in the coach Need medical help now Area), safety emergencies (theft, dakita teasing, teasing and conduct events, etc.). Only after the evaluation of the competent railway authorities, you can only put other emergencies events in place for a valid reason for the chain removal.

Note: It is a penal offense for a non-passenger to delay a train delay.

How does the chain clash affect children?

If the emergency series has been removed, the Railways will not suffer any harm if the train is in slow speed. On the other hand, if the train runs fast, then there is a high probability of a train accident if the chain is removed. In addition, due to the sudden suspension of the train (chain pulldown) the chain reaction may start. The train you are on is not only delayed, but also delay the following trains that travel in the same line.

Trivia: Chain Train Tragedy

One of the biggest rail accidents in the history of French railways is due to unnecessary train chains. On June 27, 1988, the Gare de Lyon terminal, a passenger train, ran on another station. In this accident, 56 people lost their lives. A few days before the accident, there was a change in the time of train time. This means that in some ways the train has not stopped. So, when the train was moving away from such a wideside station, a traveler decided to pull the chain. When the train suddenly slowed down, the passenger jumped the car. But the speed of the train could not be controlled and it was immediately destroyed. Therefore, before you draw the chain, prove that it is always expensive for others to act

Facts about Chain Pulling in train And information Facts about Chain Pulling in train And information Reviewed by Unknown on October 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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